My name is Kevin Qian, and welcome to my portfolio.

Web Architecture
I have over 13 years of experience building beautiful, high-conversion web experiences for a huge range of industries, from B2B business consultancies, to high-end retail brands, to multi-million dollar construction operations.
From 2013-2024 I designed, built, and maintained 14 of EOS Worldwide’s websites as EOS’s sole web designer, including eosworldwide.com, eosone.com, and eosconference.com.
I’m an expert in a variety of popular enterprise-level platforms, including WordPress, Hubspot, Salesforce, Shopify, and more.
Not just a designer, I was also frequently in charge of everything from copywriting all the way to SaaS administration on the websites I’ve built.
Logo Design
Here is a variety of high-quality vector logo designs I’ve created throughout my career, spanning from industries like transportation to live performance.

Print Design
I have designed countless assets for print and physical media, ranging from mailers, to trade show displays, to investor decks and executive summaries.
My designs lean on geometry and Gestalts to create clear, concise messaging and drive users towards action. I have a strong ability to simplify and highlight key data points, allowing me to create insightful visualizations for investor materials and decks.
I’ve even had the awesome experience of designing and laying out a book all about unlocking your innate creativity.
See My Work Live!
Below is a short list of live links to my various published projects.
Get in Touch!
This is just a cursory sample of what I can do! If you’d like to work with me, or learn more about my skills and projects, feel free to drop a message here or email me at kevin@qbranding.com. I look forward to meeting you!